[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″ ][cs_element_row _id=”2″ ][cs_element_column _id=”3″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”4″ ][cs_element_text _id=”5″ ][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”6″ ][cs_element_row _id=”7″ ][cs_element_column _id=”8″ ][cs_element_gap _id=”9″ ][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”10″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”11″ ][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”12″ ][cs_element_button _id=”13″ ][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”14″ ][cs_element_gap _id=”15″ ][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”16″ ][cs_element_row _id=”17″ ][cs_element_column _id=”18″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”19″ ][x_accordion link=”true” ][x_accordion_item title=”Who does the actual work?” open=”false”]

We have a team of specialists from different backgrounds (, Data Science, Engineering, Computer Programming, Math, Finance, etc.), most of whom have 5-15 years of experience.

Our folk come from a wide range of backgrounds and do programming for a living. They love working with StartupExcel as they get to solve interesting challenges.

No, there are no teenagers doing the work.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How do I know we are on the same page?” open=”false”]

Your specialist will seek to clarify anything before offering a quote and during the project if something becomes unclear.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Will costs inflate mid-way through the project if it takes longer than anticipated to complete?” open=”false”]

No. You were given a quote for the work we said we would complete.

The price will only increase if you seek to increase the scope of work.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Is troubleshooting involved?” open=”false”]

We work on solving problems. If you require one on one time with a specialist, you can request to purchase time on an hourly basis.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How is the price determined?” open=”false”]

We charge for time to complete a task.

The team are all nerds. They have been modeling for years. They will quote you for the time to complete it. You can choose to accept or not.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Can you do financial models?” open=”false”]

We love financial models. We can build something from scratch, add in some functionality, or audit it. We just need to know what you need done.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Can you do 24 hour rush work?” open=”false”]

We are happy to try accommodate you.

We charge 50% additionally for this.

Due to the logistics of having an additional developer doube-check work (As we offer to guarantee perfect work), this will not be the case.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Do you use Google Sheets?” open=”false”]

Yes, if that is what you want!

It is important to note that Google Sheets is not as advanced as Excel.

Sheets is better when you are collaborating with your team.

Excel is best when you want to do more complex modeling and work with larger data sets.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Can I pay in Canadian Dollars etc? Or any other currency?” open=”false”]

We accept all currencies (of course)!

Our payment is safe and secure using Stripe. Sure you have heard of them, right?

Whilst the currency is stated as Euro, we accept all currency. Stripe manages all this. You card will be charged the equivalent amount.

If there are any issues at all, just message us and we will help you.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How long does it take to get my task completed?” open=”false”]

It depends on the complexity of the task. For small and medium tasks this is typically under two days. We promise a week just to manage your expectations.

For large tasks, this really ‘depends’. We will let you know before you choose to accept our quote.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”When is payment made?” open=”false”]

We charge up front for work through a digital invoice.

We will refund you if a small and medium task takes longer than a week, upon request.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Can I give feedback on the project? When?” open=”false”]

We specialise in shipping you quick solutions to your problems.

You need to provide us a detailed description to what you want accomplished.

Your specialist will reach out if anything need clarification.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Is my task confidential?” open=”false”]

Of course! Your confidentiality is critical to our business.

If you are sharing proprietary information with us, or have reasons otherwise, we will of course sign an NDA. You can request it from your account manager, or at application.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Is there a limit to what you can do?” open=”false”]

There is no limit. That’s a joke! Of course there is.

We can do a lot of technical things, but there are always limits. We will tell you upfront if we cannot help you.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How can I pay? Do I need a credit card?” open=”false”]

We don’t do cash on motor bike delivery 😉

We accept PayPal in addition to credit card.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Why StartupExcel?” open=”false”]

Our team consistent of experienced developers with a wide variety of skills.

Our pricing is also incredibly competitive.

If you want a one-stop-shop to get things done for you, we’re it.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What file format do you use?” open=”false”]

We can work with PC or Mac systems.

We can work with current and legacy versions of Excel (Just tell us which version).

Anything else you are not sure of, just ask!

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What’s the minimum scope of work?” open=”false”]

Nothing. We charge per task. We can do anything small to large.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?” open=”false”]


In fact in ASCII 42 is code for *.

The implication being anything.

Life is what you make it.

We will help you make it awesome.

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